In the early times things were different. The Earth was young and handsome, with great blue oceans and green green trees. Creatures dotted his surface, the only planet with anything living in the entire solar system.

It was for these reasons that the Earth grew vain, and ignored the other planets, his brother Mars and sister Venus. He floated alone in space flaunting his colors made by water and trees.

The only one to venture near him was the moon. Moon was a quiet plain soul, desperately in love with Earth. Earth enjoyed Moon’s company and allowed her to stay with him, but for the most of the days he ignored her. Her beauty was not appealing enough to catch his attention.

But Moon remained in love with Earth, despite his ignoring her. She grew so attached to Earth, she became a part of his magnificent surface, buried underneath his oceans, hoping to one day be noticed by him.

It was another, though, who caught Earth’s attention. She was far away from Earth. She shone with a light and energy like nothing Earth had ever seen. She was gorgeous and brilliant. She was Sun, untouchable and untamable, uncontested as the most fantastic being in the system.

Earth became engrossed in his love for sun. But it was a love that could never be. Sun was too great for a small being like Earth, even one as lovely. So, Earth was left to forever orbit sun, never allowed to get nearer, but never able to leave.

Heartbroken, Moon flung herself away from Earth. Embarrassed and broken, she became cold and gray. But, her love for Earth persisted, and she never left his side. As Earth was forever to circle the sun, so too was moon forever forced to circle Earth.

It has remained this way in the many years since. It is only on special days, when the moon and sun are just so, that Moon is able to block Sun and for a few minutes, be the sole recipient of Earth’s attention and love.